Class Meeting Policies and Procedures

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Meeting as Scheduled

In assuming responsibility for teaching an APS class, all faculty are asked to accept the obligation to meet with the class as scheduled.

One academic credit requires that a student engage in 45 hours of learning effort during the semester, or three hours per week across 15 weeks. Typically classroom courses are scheduled so that a student completes one hour in class and two hours outside of class. But this balance may vary depending on the class type.

Student Workload Expectations per Undergraduate Credit
The Faculty Senate affirms the standard (first adopted by the Senate on February 16, 1922) that, for fall and spring semester, one credit represents, for the average University undergraduate student, three hours of academic work per week (including lectures, laboratories, recitations, discussion groups, field work, study, and so on), averaged over the semester, in order to complete the work of the course to achieve an average grade. Thus, enrollment for 15 credits in a semester represents approximately 45 hours of work per week, on average, over the course of the semester.

This U of M policy on student workload statement must be included in every class syllabus.
You can read the complete policy online.

Missing a Class

Rarely, you may have to miss a class due to an emergency or an unavoidable conflict.    

Planned absence from a Classroom Class
If you know in advance that you will not be able to teach a class, plan how your class will proceed in your absence:

  1. It is preferable to arrange for a substitute or guest speaker to lead your class. You may ask your faculty director, fellow APS instructor, or a qualified professional colleague.
    • Prepare your substitute with appropriate instructions and materials for the class meeting.
    • Prepare your class with an introduction to the substitute and instructions for the class meeting. 
  2. Alternate: Prepare online readings and activities, or a project or assignment that can be done outside of class that week, that is equivalent to the time the students would have spent in class and the instructional content. Consult your faculty director or fellow instructors about options they have used.

If you are unable to do either of the above for your class, you must arrange some other way to make up the work.  If adding an additional class meeting for the makeup is not possible at a time convenient for 100% of the students, the class period may be lengthened (again, if convenient for 100% of the students).  Contact Lynn Cross (612 626-2238) to be certain a classroom is available for the additional or extended period.

Sudden Illness or Emergency

If you find yourself suddenly unable to attend a class because of illness or any other personal reason, it is your responsibility to IMMEDIATELY inform an APS staff member (612-624-9516, 626-2238, or 625-6569). APS will work with you to call and e-mail all students. When you are able, determine how you can support students in learning what was planned for the missed class, as outlined in Item #2 above.

Absence from an Online Class
If you are unable to attend an online class for more than three days: Notify your students of your absence and extend any submission deadline as appropriate. 

If you will be offline for longer, discuss options with your faculty director to ensure students continue to meet course goals.

*In either case, notify your faculty director of your planned absence and your arrangements for the class.

Accommodations for Student Absence

University policy requires that accommodations for legitimate absence will be made. See Policy: Makeup Work for Legitimate Absences. Accommodation may include excused absence, extension of assignment deadlines, or rescheduling of exams.

Religious observances

The Office of the Provost provides the following advice on accommodations for religious observance:

When planning due dates for major assignments and scheduling exams, please consult the University’s Calendar of Holidays and Religious Observances, which provides an overview of major holidays and religious observances. 

Additionally, please note that not all students will need to miss class for religious observances, that some religious observances occur outside the dates noted on published calendars, and that some observances may require accommodation beyond excusing a missed class period.

It is important to remember that students, staff, and faculty within the same faith or culture may nevertheless have different traditions and observances, and I therefore ask you to consult individually with any student who requests an accommodation rather than make general assumptions.

If you have specific questions about how to provide accommodations, please review the Frequently Asked Questions or contact the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action office at 612-624-9547 or [email protected].

Bad Weather Cancellation

Weather in the metropolitan area, fierce as it can sometimes be, is seldom bad enough for the University to cancel classes. However, if conditions go from merely difficult to dangerous or virtually impossible, then the University has an obligation to protect faculty and students from the risks of a trip to campus, and a decision is usually made to cancel classes. The announcement will be made on radio, television, and via text message.  If a class is canceled because of bad weather, it is desirable—but not obligatory—to make it up.

Caucus Nights

APS classes are not required to meet after 6 pm on caucus nights if the instructor, and/or a majority of the students plan to attend the caucus. For students who miss class for this reason, you will need to assign a project or assignment that can be done outside of class that week that is equivalent to the time they would have spent in class.

Changes in Room, Day, or Hour of Class

All room assignments have been confirmed prior to each academic year, but the Office of Classroom Management does occasionally make last-minute location changes.  It is always a good idea to check the class schedule on One Stop from time to time.  The APS office will also immediately notify you as soon as we become aware of such changes.

It is very difficult to change the official day or hour of the class after registration has begun, and is almost never advisable. Though minor adjustments in meeting times and even days can sometimes be made on an informal basis, such changes are often unsettling to the students, and you should make every effort to keep the schedule as close to what was advertised as possible. If you do make changes to times or dates, all students (not just a majority) must agree to the changes, and you must let the APS director know. 

Problems with Your Classroom

If you are scheduled in a room that is too small, has problems with heating or cooling, or otherwise is not adequate for your needs, please contact Lynn Cross (612-626-2238), and we will work with you to find a room that will provide better accommodation.

If an unauthorized group is occupying your officially scheduled room, do not move your class to another room. That group should be asked to leave and Lynn Cross contacted the next day to resolve the matter.