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Final Examinations

Final exams are not required as part of student evaluation. A variety of alternative assessments techniques may be used. However, when a course does involve a final examination, University and College policy should be observed. uAPS encourages the evaluation of student learning, as appropriate to the course, via strategies that parallel real world applications of learning.

Exam Policy
In accordance with CCAPS policy, uAPS class final exams, if held, must occur on a day other than the last week of instruction as outlined in the syllabus. In other words, all contracted class periods must be devoted to regular instruction.  For the typical 14-week syllabus, the final exam must occur on the 15th week.  Final exams should be held in the same room, at the same time of day, and on the same day of the week that the class was regularly held during the term. You may be aware that the University of Minnesota policy sets aside an exam week following the end of classes, but normally there are enough weeks in the semester (15) to allow APS to hold final exams PRIOR to finals week.  If your particular scheduling means that there are not enough weeks in the regular semester for your class meetings plus the final exam meeting, then your exam will occur in the U of M finals week and your classroom reservation can be extended until then.

If you are having a 15th week final exam, and you are aware that your schedule needs to extend into the U of M finals week to deliver it, contact Lynn Cross as soon as possible to make sure that your room will be available finals week.  

Make-up Examinations

University of Minnesota Policy on Make-up Examinations for Legitimate Absences:
Students should not be penalized for absence due to unavoidable or legitimate circumstances. Such circumstances include, but are not necessarily limited to, verified illness, participation in athletic events or other group activities sponsored by the University, serious family emergencies, subpoenas, jury duty, military service, and religious observances. It is the responsibility of the student to notify faculty members of such circumstances as far in advance as possible. It is the responsibility of faculty members to provide make-ups for major examinations, ordinarily including midterm and final examinations. Special arrangements for make-up examinations are at the instructor's discretion in the course concerned. No specifications are made as to the date of the make-up exam. (UMN policy)
Student athletes receive a letter at the beginning of each semester listing the events approved by the University as legitimate absences. If a student presents you with such a letter, you must allow the student to make up any missed work within reasonable parameters.  See Intercollegiate Athletic Events during Study Day and Finals Weeks: Twin Cities and the Handbook section on Student Athletes and Attendance for more information.