Support Resources for Students

On this page:

Academic Support

Academic support resources for University of Minnesota students are shown on OneStop by topic.

Some additional links are:

Mental Health - Helping Students Handle Stress

Results from a Boynton Health Service survey indicate that 25% of U of M Twin Cities students have been diagnosed with at least one mental health condition during their lifetime, and 44% of students report experiencing stress related to personal relationships, the death or illness of someone close, or parental conflict.  The additional pressure of midterm and final exams can lead to diminished academic performance for some students. If you are concerned about a student, there are several resources for you.

  1. Resources and Training for Faculty and Staff: Access essential links and online training for student mental health. 
  2. Red Folder Toolkit to help faculty and staff support student mental health with tips and examples to help you recognize indicators of student distress and how to respond and refer the student appropriately.
  3. Concerns about Classroom Behavior: If you are concerned after you have finished a class session where a student has displayed behaviors that may harm the student or others, you should report those concerns to the APS associate director at 612 624-9516. Student behavior that is an obstacle to teaching and learning must be addressed.  Most situations are best dealt with at the local level, but assistance in dealing with extreme situations is available through the University's Behavioral Consultation Team (BCT) by calling 612 626-3030. In an emergency, call 911. (911 calls coming in from a University location will reach the U of M Police dispatcher.)   
  4. Urgent Concerns about a Student's Well-Being: Faculty who wish to consult about how best to deal with an urgent concern may contact University Counseling and Consulting Services (UCCS) at 612-624-3323 and ask to speak with the walk-in counselor, or call the Urgent Counselor at the Mental Health Clinic at Boynton Health Service: (612) 625-8475
    In an emergency, call 911.
  5. The Office of Student Affairs is an excellent website for an overview of student concerns.  

Helping Students with Disabilities

The University of Minnesota is committed to providing all students equal access to learning opportunities.
Disability Resource Center Services (DRC) is the campus office that works with students who have disabilities (e.g. mental health, attentional, learning, vision, hearing, physical, or systemic), to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations and services. Accommodations include captioning, interpreting, document conversion, and testing.  Services include computer accommodations, access assistants and physical access.  

  • Students who have, or think they may have, a disability are invited to contact DS to arrange a confidential discussion at 612-626-1333 (V/TTY) or [email protected].
  • Students registered with DRC who have a letter requesting accommodations are encouraged to contact the instructor early in the semester to discuss accommodations outlined in their letter.

Accessible U

U of M Accessibility is committed to ensuring that all individuals have access to information and information technology associated with administration and services, courses of instruction, departmental programs, and University-sponsored activities.  The Accessible U website provides resources on policy, training, and actions you can take in your Canvas site to improve accessibility.
Please share this information with students who might benefit.